
If you are seeking psychological services or assessment for ADHD or related disorders, note that our lab only rarely provides such opportunities in the context of one of our research studies. To find out if any ongoing AAA Lab study is recruiting individuals and provides assessment or treatment, please see the Research page.

If you are a mental health professional and interested in using the Thriving in College skills training intervention in your practice, both a therapist manual and a student workbook are available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Taylor & Francis/Routledge Publishers. If you are a college student with ADHD and seeking a "self-help" option to develop important skills for success in college (and life), the student workbook may be an option you want to consider.

For Appalachian State University students, intervention services that individuals with an ADHD diagnosis may benefit from can be obtained from the following offices:

For students and others residing in Watauga or neighboring counties, relatively low cost (i.e., sliding scale, insurance filing) assessment and intervention services are available from the following agencies:

For those seeking private psychotherapy services, Dr. Canu does maintain a small practice. His practice email is

Reliably excellent care in the Boone area is also provided by:

  • Joshua Broman-Fulks, Ph.D., 828-406-1760
  • Denise Martz, Ph.D., 828-773-4337
  • Bob Hill, Ph.D., 828-265-6410
  • Jackie Wayne, M.A.
  • Hannah Holmes, Ph.D.
  • Whitney Van Sant, M.A.